B4i 11th Startup Call Application

Applications deadline: January 8th, 2025

Pre-Acceleration program start: March 1st, 2025

Acceleration program start: March 24th, 2025

Welcome to our Startup Call form!

By filling in this form you can apply for the Pre-Acceleration program, the Acceleration program, or both.

The application procedure consists of two steps:

  • The first takes place on the B4i website, and we will ask you to share your personal data (e.g. first name, last name, company name, etc.);
  • The second takes place on the Dealum platform, and you will have to answer some questions related to your business project.

You will receive your Dealum login details as soon as the first phase of the procedure is completed, and you can also complete the two phases in different sessions.

If you haven't done it yet, please read our guide on how to apply and our FAQ before proceeding.

Good luck!

1. Founder - main contact

Remove founder

Gender: *

Noting that my data will be processed in full compliance with the law, I declare, by submitting the present form, that I have read and understood the privacy policy *
By sending this form, I authorize to handle my personal information for the purpose of

2. Company information

This application is for: *
Would you define your startup as having sustainability at the core of its business model? *

Please specify the country and the city where the startup has its main operational headquarters.

How did you know about us? *