B4i Startup Call
is open

Submit your application to the Acceleration and Pre-Acceleration programs.

Applications are open to anyone (it is not necessary to be a Bocconi student or alumnus/a) anywhere.

Deadline: January 8th, 2025.

Apply now

Corporate innovation
The Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship Center

Innovation and entrepreneurship pose demanding challenges to large corporates. The Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship Center (ICE), jointly founded by B4i and SDA Bocconi, is a catalyst for research, training and business support. It aims to boost the entrepreneurial energy of corporates, while also supporting them managing the firm and the sources of uncertainty in the market to reduce the barriers to innovation.

Visit ICE Website

We help Corporations

A set of customizable services are available for both individuals and corporate teams to support and boost the identification and development of innovation opportunities.

Following ad hoc preliminary meetings, ICE typically offers a tailored pathway to understand and tackle the major innovation challenges the corporate client is facing. The current offering aims to provide corporates with information about best practices, business and technology trends, while also putting them in contact with early-stage business ideas and startups to investigate business development opportunities.

The Innovation Journey

While every company requires a certain level of customization of the Innovation Journey, it may follow some common steps.




StagesUnderstand innovation challenges
Issues How does technology change the competitive landscape?How should we respond to that?
TouchpointsInnovation Report
Expert Club
Innovation Concierge
StagesDefine the innovation sandbox
Issues What type of innovation do we need?How do we organize for innovation?
TouchpointsCorporate Strategy
Innovation Strategy
Stages Idea collection
Issues What are the most promising ideas inside and outside the firm?How do they generate value?
TouchpointsInnovation Contest
Startup Radar
Investment Decision
Stages Invent
Issues How does the prototype of the new service/product look like?Should we create a startup?
TouchpointsDesign doing
Prototyping and Market Testing
Innovation Governance
Stages Go to market
Issues How do we introduce the product in the market?
TouchpointsB4i Acceleration

Innovation Report

Map and assess your current innovation strategy and processes, compare them to what benchmark companies do and outline avenues for accelerating the capacity of your company to innovate.


Expert Club

Get direct access to our exclusive network of technical experts, opinion leaders, and startuppers to discuss your innovation challenges.


Innovation Concierge

Back up your arguments on an innovation issue with the support of SDA Bocconi faculty or secondary data.


Corporate Strategy

Identify your next core business in a corporate strategy workshop.


Innovation Strategy

Use our structured and unique approach to define your innovation strategy.


Innovation Contest

Unleash your employees' innovation potential by scouting high-potential innovation opportunities in a systematic way.


Startup Radar

Identify the startups that will shape the evolution of your industry and learn how to engage with them.



Turn unstructured ideas into business plans and prototypes to speed up time to market.


Investment Decision

Focus your innovation efforts by developing and using an effective methodology to make investment decisions.


Design Doing

Accelerate your innovation processes by co-developing innovative ideas with experts from all technical and business areas that you need.


Prototyping and Market Testing

Get early market feedback by pro- or pre-totyping your product or service idea.


Innovation Governance

Set the right incentive and control systems to align the interests of all innovation stakeholders.


B4i Acceleration

Support the development of your startup with the 4-months business acceleration process.

Contact us and we will be happy to give you more details about our services and their potential.